redfern school of displacement

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Contested Space: Art and the Right to the City – article on Redfern School of Displacement Contested Space: Art and the Right to the City - article on Redfern School of Displacement and Richard Bell's Embassy at the Biennale of Sydney in Assemble Papers:  
Tour of Beauty article Pedro de Almeida's article in un.magazine, 'If you invested here: Sydney, SquatSpace and its Tour of Beauty' can be read here: 
A Wicked Problem Shane McGrath interviewed me for the 'not evenly distributed' blog - A project of the 20th Biennale of Sydney, curated by Stephanie Rosenthal We talk art, gentrification and housing affordability you can read the entry here    
SquatSpace’s Redfern – Waterloo: Tour of Beauty As part of my work for the Biennale of Sydney, Redfern School of Displacement, SquatSpace is presenting the Redfern - Waterloo: Tour of Beauty.
© Keg de Souza, 2015.